A Life Changed

How sweet it is to see those you love succeed. 

This past month we were able to celebrate one of our boys, as he celebrated 6 months clean. 

This journey has not been easy, this past year has been filled with many phone calls of his escape, countless rehab centers closing their door due to relapse, and bursts of anger. 

But God. 


We chose to love, to believe, and to be available again and again. Our hands open for when he wanted to return home and try again.  

And try again he did. 

Today, though the fight isn't over, he is fighting. He is choosing to do the hard work. He is dedicating his life to studying and learning. He is calm, full of smiles, and filled with hope. 

So today we celebrate.

Simple steps of love, consistency and Jesus is changing lives, breaking generational cycles, and creating a new legacy for the generations to come. 

Today we are thankful.