Just One of The Many Stories: The Goalie

*Note: Names have been changed for protection of child.


“Why is Jorge* always the goalie? Does he not want to play on the field? Or rotate positions with the other boys? Was the question noted by one of the other team members.”

The response, “When he first started he was terrified of the ball. This was something he asked to do to overcome his fear.”

When Jorge first started coming around, he was timid, soft spoken and showed every sign of a child who was severely beaten. From his behavior to the markings on his skin, you could tell this boy had lived through many years of heartache.

At 14 years old, Jorge had lived through more than most. His father, an alcoholic took all his anger, hurt, pain and aggression out on Jorge. He was not only his son, but became his fathers escape.

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Over the past few months, soccer has given Jorge his voice back. Or maybe a voice for the first time at all. Instead of running from the ball as it came towards him, which took months to overcome, Jorge has found a love for the ball. He not only blocks it, but he now runs towards that which made him tremble with fear. Soccer has given him confidence. It has given him a band of brothers who are learning to love each other in a healthy way. It has opened the door to conversations, honest, raw conversations and it has given a place for us to love him well.

Jorge may have a ways to go, but we are seeing hope in his eyes for the first time. His smile beams from ear to ear as he runs and puts on his gloves when practice starts. Instead of hiding in the corner, he is now inviting others into the game. Others just like him.

Jorge is just one of many, all with stories of how a simple game has opened the door for transformation and wholeness to begin. A game that has allowed Jesus to show them just how fun, safe and loving a Father can be. A game that has given Jorge and boys like him a place to belong. A place to feel protected.

Some have reached out and asked to be apart of partnering with us via the Marked Soccer team, here are a list of needed items below, with a link to give:

  • Soccer net x2 for our goals: $250.00

  • More practice balls for the additional kids who have joined: $11.00 ball x 30 new kids: $330.00

  • Soccer cones for practice: $12.00 x 4 sets: $48.00

  • Agility ladder for practice: $36.00

  • Practice shirts: $4.00x 30 new kids: $123.00

  • New pair of cleats: $17/pair x 30 new kids: $510.00

  • Shin Guards: $5 x 30 new kids: $150.00

  • Re-Usable Water bottles: $1.50 x 30: $45.00

  • Dreaming* Duffle bags: $8 x 50: $400

  • Dreaming* Custom Travel Suits (slacks, shirt, jacket, tie, belt, socks) : $65 x 20: $1,305

    • TOTAL: $3,197.00