Transformation and an Invitation

A few weeks ago the government invited Marked to come to one of their local soup kitchens to bring lunch and our program to a neighboring town. Our team sent us a message, "it was like watching promises become yes and amen." Although we were so grateful to be invited, and to see that the strategy we felt we had been given from the Lord (empower + sustain + transform) working and catching wind among neighboring towns, we couldn't help but notice one little thing. And that was the transformation in our own village community kids. We had invited them to come and serve this new community and be apart of what God was doing. And be apart they did. These kids blew us away. From handing out food, teaching them how to line up, and helping the children wash up and brush their hair. Our hearts were melting. These were the same kids that were deemed "animals" by the same government just a few years earlier, these were the same kids that hurled rocks at our team, fought non-stop and stole from everyone in their path. These lives, now redeemed. 


"it was like watching promises become yes and amen."

The conversation after we left was how much our kids have noticed a transformation in their village community and in their own hearts. These littles, feeling the need to share what they have been given and their desire to see it spread like wildfire is our dream come true. 


The promises of communities transformed, leading to less orphans, is the beginning of our dream fulfilled. You are apart of that, and we couldn't be more grateful.