SUSTAINABILITY : The Key to a Thriving Non-Profit Organization

What is Sustainability?

You might think that “sustainability” is just a buzzword. You probably hear it used all the time in all kinds contexts. There’s sustainably-sourced clothing products and food, sustainable business growth, and sustainable treatment of the Earth.  You might call this word trendy and common and be tempted to throw it out. But we never will, because the truth is, sustainability is at the very heart of everything we do.

As an orphan care ministry, here is an idea of what we DON’T want: to spend endless donated resources on a system we created that relies on us, creating a culture where the only time good things happen is when we show up with lunch. What happens if we can’t be there? What happens when we drive away at the end of the day?

In everything we do, our heart is to create sustainability. We want to empower people to stand up and take ownership of their villages and cities. We want to give people everything they need to continue the work we’ve started, creating jobs and opportunities for people who would have otherwise stayed lacking.


When we’re the heroes, only we win. When we make them the heroes of their own story, everyone wins.


With this kind of sustainable growth, villages are transformed and nations are changed. This is the heart of Marked. In everything we do, our heart is to champion the ones that are often ignored, and encourage them to go farther and dream bigger than their circumstances should have allowed.

For Marked as a whole, our focus has become to create sustainability in every single thing we put our hands to. We’ve been dreaming of bringing in resources above and beyond the generous donation of churches and individuals all over the world. We’ve started to use our gifts to create things that will propel the mission forward. We wrote a cookbook, dreaming of feeding families in Mexico with the proceeds. We’ll begin selling Mexican coffee as well, creating jobs for young adults (most of whom typically resort to joining the cartel or prostitution, out of desperation for money and belonging).

Instead of creating a system of dependency and lack, we’ve decided that we’ll become part of a sustainable solution. Long-term transformation and impact for countless little lives. Will you join us in this journey?


We created Sustain: the Marked Cookbook to be a resource for sustainability and connection around the table, and you can get it in your hands starting this week! We’re so excited to share it with you. Fill out the form below and we'll send you a discount code for 20% off your first cookbook!